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[Résolu] Tir de gravité, problème d'affichage (1 lecteur(s)) (1) Invité(s)
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SUJET: [Résolu] Tir de gravité, problème d'affichage
sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
Dernière édition: 27-11-2009 à 12:36 Par sebdum.
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
I guess we had the same problem on wims_mirror Leiden; e.g. html click-coordinates [ismap] were processed correctly but no response_image was generated by flydraw.The module I first encountered this was H4/physics/

A simple recompiling of Flydraw solved my issue...and I still don't know what caused the problem: all my other wims-installations [4 systems; linux & freebsd] using bleeding edge svn-wims had no trouble at all...

kind regards,
Joke Evers
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
Ok, I'm going to try it tomorrow. My Wims server turns under Ubuntu 9.04 and it seems that this distribution causes troubles with wims.
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
Hello. I did exactly what you told me. I did a recompilation of Flydraw but the issue isn't solved. I still have the same problem.
On the final target one can guess that all the answers were recorded but they don't show during the exercise.
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
I've just [5 min ago] installed the latest svn version on the wims mirror Leiden [Red Hat].

-bash-2.05b uname -a
Linux antares 2.6.10-1.771_FC2smp #1 SMP Mon Mar 28 01:10:51 EST 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

-bash-2.05b gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix --disable-checking --disable-libunwind-exceptions --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --host=i386-redhat-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3.3 20040412 (Red Hat Linux 3.3.3-7)

So both "src" and all "wims-adm-modules".
I've recompiled the source completely.
No compile errors [just warnings]

And tested a module ( and I've the same problem again !

Recompiled difference!
Then I used an "older" source Flydraw and recompiled all again. Now things are fine...
And the clicks show correctly in the reply image.

Further testing:
I've installed exactly the same svn version on a local machine (OpenSuSE 11.0 )
And Flydraw works fine !
So the source distributed by svn is fine...on this machine.
I've no idea what goes wrong in Leiden.

You can get this older version I'm using on Leiden mirror for testing:

kind regards,
Dernière édition: 24-10-2009 à 11:37 Par schaersvoorde.
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
I'm sorry ... but I've removed the archive from the server, assuming you had already downloaded it...

On this server I will leave it a bit longer
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
downloaded ! thanks.
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
Can you post me a "how to" install flydraw properly...
I've just replace flydraw in /var/lib/wims/other/bin, make it runable and redefined permissions, but this new error occurs when I try to run an exercise using flydraw :
bin/insdraw..processor: 83: /var/lib/wims/other/bin/flydraw: not found

I'm just a newbie
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
That's not too difficult:
if you have wims-sources installed in /var/wims/src
you must become "wims" , this can be done in a terminal/xterm/bash by :
sudo su wims
# unpack archive
tar xvzf Flydraw.ok.tar.gz -C /var/wims/src
# goto the correct source dir
cd /var/wims/src/Flydraw
make clean
# compile
if everything is OK, flydraw is compiled and the binary is copied to /var/wims/bin/other
This should do the trick.
Dernière édition: 09-11-2009 à 17:14 Par schaersvoorde. Raison: typos
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
The same error occurs.

Result of make clean :
rm -f flydraw
cd gd; make clean
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
Note that if I reinstall Flydraw by Synaptic, I have always this error.

I can't return to the old config, when we only could not see points. Now the errors is fatal.
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
What happens if you do a complete compile of wims ? [use the latest svn-source for that]
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 1  
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
No, there is no risk in losing your classes ! , besides since you have "root" access on the server you may ofcourse always make a backup of /var/wims/log/classes.

An update only includes the "core of wims"
(e.g. all C-sources,administration modules,html-stuff,and populare modules like tools
I have no idea about synaptic.
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bernadette (Admin)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 23  
J'ai en effet vu quelque chose comme cela dans le patch qu'applique GK pour faire la version Debian

Code :

+=============================================== +--- wims-3.65.orig/wims/src/Flydraw/ ++++ wims-3.65/wims/src/Flydraw/ +@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ wims_home=../.. + cc=@CC@ + cflags=@CFLAGS@ -Wall + STRIP=@STRIP@ +-libpath=-L$(wims_home)/lib -L./gd ++libpath=-L$(wims_home)/lib + libs=-lm -lgd -lwims + defines=@DEFINES@ + rpath=
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
well, i think it redefines the lib-path; normally the gd-libs are included in Flydraw's subdir src/Flydraw/gd
I've no idea why Debian should do without the "local" gd-lib.
But I've no experience with binary wims-distibutions

Apart from that; if wims libs&headers are present, why won't Flydraw compile normally?
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sebdum (Utilisateur)
Halloween=Noël : 31 oct=25 dec
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Il y a 15 Années, 2 Mois Karma: 1  
J'ai un exemple graphique :
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schaersvoorde (Utilisateur)
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Il y a 15 Années, 2 Mois Karma: 0  
Maybe the next email of Georges on this subject may help you to trace your problem


I tried to make some comparisons between the services in Leiden and
Paris-9. Some examples suggest me that the error may be a wrong indexing
of the colors in the gif files ?

See as an illustration the images img-leiden.gif and img-paris9.gif :
they come from the same exercise (optics/, and we see
that in Leiden, the yellow area does not appear. However, the OEF source
does contain the code "frect , ... , yellow". One possibility would be
that the yellow color is changed to transparent during some conversion
of the GIF file. However this hypothesis does not hold : the background
is plain white in the file img-leiden.gif

We should check the sources of flydraw which were recently modified to
meet Gang's needs (DXF export) to try to discover the problem.
Unfortunately I have few time to do it precisely.

I think that you may try some attempts to compare the results of various
versions of Flydraw if you run it on more than one computer. Paste some
flydraw program in one file, for example sketch.txt, then launch the

cat sketch.txt | /var/lib/wims/other/bin/flydraw > /tmp/sketch.gif

and open the file /tmp/sketch.gif to see flydraw's output.

I tried this command with a file sketch.txt containing the samples
visible in the help page for slibs (graphpaper/millimetre), and it works
for me.

Such a test may isolate the bug.

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bernadette (Admin)
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Il y a 15 Années, 2 Mois Karma: 23  
Code :

png still have some compatibility problems.
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