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Erro Message in WIMS (1 lecteur(s)) (1) Invité(s)
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danieldgt (Utilisateur)
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Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
Hello Bernadette,

I have a problem in WIMS,
when I go into in class with a supervisor ((supervisor login)) and click in "Config/Maintenance"

a message is sent:


wims has detected an error in the module 'adm/class/config.en'.

In file 'names.phtml', line 105: syntax_error.

Syntax error in the command.

If you see this message, it is usually due to a bug in the module

Please contact the module's developer about the bug

How can fix this?

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bernadette (Admin)
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Re:Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 23  
First try to use the new unstable release, there are
many, many modifications, specially the localisation
of the modules.

There is already a bug in the 3.65m version.
susbt instead of subst (see the svn updates at

We need help to find all the bugs and typos in the 3.65m version to make it becoming stable ...


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danieldgt (Utilisateur)
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Ask about WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
Hello Bernadette,

Fixes that you've posted corrected the mistake, I'm using wims and looking for more errors.

How many virtual classes can be registered in wims in maximum?

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eric.reyssat (Utilisateur)
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Re:Ask about WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
Hi Daniel,

The number of classes is only limited by disk space and the limit fixed by the site manager (maintenance / virtual classes). The default is 200.

The reasonable limit to choose depends on your machine for disk space and computation power.

disk space is not a problem on recent computers, you may allow 200 MB for each of 1000 classes on a 250 GB disk (need some space for backups).

The main point is the load average of the computer. It depends on the number of simultaneous users. A few hundreds of simultaneous participants is ok, say 20 classes of 20 participants. If each class works for 2 hours a week, equally distributed on the 5*8=40 hours of the week, that makes 400 working classes plus some ghost classes not using much power. You can begin with the default of 200 classes and 5000 total number of participants, then look at the load average (maintenance / current server activities) during some heavy hours, and adjust the limits accordingly.

Hope that helps

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danieldgt (Utilisateur)
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Re:Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
Hello eric!!
was what I expected.
I think very large the number classes virtual.
the wims have a tool to search class?
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eric.reyssat (Utilisateur)
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Re:Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
In the maintenance page, go to
Check/maintain virtual classes

If server says "There are many virtual classes on this site" then enter some keyword (a few letters, maybe your name if you have a class) just to restrict the number of corresponding classes. Now you see a small list of classes.

Then clic on "Show best class activity on this period. " and you'll get, above the table, the total number of classes.

I don't think there is a tool to show all class names if there are many of them. But of course you may inspect the log/classes directory on the server directly (maintenance / direct file management). All numbers below 10000 are example classes (the same on all servers), other are "real" classes on your own server.

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danieldgt (Utilisateur)
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Re:Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
yes, I understand this reply.
but if one normal user, teacher ou student, need find one virtual classes?
Do have any tool?
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eric.reyssat (Utilisateur)
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Re:Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
To find a class you need to know at least approximately the name of the class or the institution or the teacher of the class.

When a normal user looks for a class and there are too many, he should give a keyword to restrict the number of classes corresponding to this keyword. The server looks for classes for which the keyword is part of the name of (teacher + class + institution). Of course if almost all classes on your server belong to the same institution, giving the name of institution doesn't restrict the number enough.

If you are completely lost and are sure that the class exists, you may try with some quite common possible random substrings to get quite long lists of classes, and hope to endup with finding the right one.

Or write to the site manager, if he(she) is in a good mood.

Or just sit and begin to cry.

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danieldgt (Utilisateur)
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Re:Erro Message in WIMS Il y a 14 Années, 11 Mois Karma: 0  
very nice and funny reply!!!
I understand!
thanks eric!!

The Wims will be used for one university and I need know all the possibility.
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