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Probleme avec imagefill (1 lecteur(s)) (1) Invité(s)
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Julien (Utilisateur)
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Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 3  
Code :

\integer{v=100+50*\n} \text{C=slib(graphpaper/millimetre 15,24,,,1,\v,,,,0,0,1,100,2,300)} \text{url = draw(600,800 \C)} \statement{ \special{imagefill \url,800x600,40x20 reply1, 100x200 reply2, 200x50} <br> \draw{600,800}{\C} <br> <img src="\url"> } \answer{}{2}{type=clickfill} \answer{}{3}{type=clickfill}
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byache (Utilisateur)
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Sexe: Masculin MathFle Lieu: Marseille
Re:Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
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Julien (Utilisateur)
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Re:Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 3  
Code :

\special{imagefill \url,900x1440,40x20 reply1, 100x200 reply2, 200x50}
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georgesk (Utilisateur)
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Re:Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 0  
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Julien (Utilisateur)
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Re:Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 3 Mois Karma: 3  
Code :

\text{C=slib(graphpaper/millimetre 15,24,,,1 t (en heure),\v vitesse en Km/H,,,,0,0,1,100,2,300)}
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Julien (Utilisateur)
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Re:Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 2 Mois Karma: 3  
Code :

!if $wims_read_parm!=slib_header !goto proc !endif slib_title=Graphic paper sheet slib_parms=12\ 8,x_dimension (cm) \ 8,y_dimension (cm) \ 1,x_orig (cm) \ 1,y_orig (cm) \ 1,grad (affichage des graduations 0 absence des graduations, 2 uniquement sur l'axe des x, 3 uniquement l'axes des y) \ 1,x_step (delta x for 1 cm on the paper or max value for x and optional label ) \ 1,y_step (delta y for 1 cm on the paper or max value for y and optional label) \ [240,233,255],background color \ [255,220,180],lines color \ 1,formdot ( plus par defaut, 0 multiplier) \ [10,10,10],dots color \ void,list of dots (an even count of coordinates : x1,y1,x2,y2,etc.) slib_author=Georges KHAZNADAR slib_out=Source for insdraw-ing a graph paper with the dots on it slib_comment=if color are three numbers, \ put them in brackets ; there may be no dots.<br> \ The syntax for x_step and y_step is the following : a bare number is for deltaX or deltaY, a number followed by the \ word "max" means a maximum value, any other words are interpreted \ like a label for the axis. slib_example= ,,,,,,,,,0,0,1.2,1.5,2.4,3.2\ 12,8,0,0,1 max t (ms),1 max U (V),blue,red,[255,128,128],0,0,1.2,1.5,2.4,3.2 !exit :proc !reset slib_formdot,slib_grad,slib_xd, slib_yd, slib_bg, slib_lc, slib_dc, slib_point, slib_xo, slib_yo, slib_xs, slib_ys, slib_labx, slib_laby, slib_maxx, slib_maxy slib_parm=!item 1 to 11 of $wims_read_parm !distribute item $slib_parm into slib_xd, slib_yd, slib_xo, slib_yo, slib_grad, slib_xs, slib_ys, slib_bg, slib_lc, slib_dc, slib_formdot slib_point=!item 12 to -1 of $wims_read_parm !default slib_xd=8 !default slib_yd=8 !default slib_xo=1 !default slib_yo=1 !default slib_xs=1 !default slib_ys=1 !default slib_grad=1 !default slib_formdot=1 slib_labx=!word 2 to -1 of $slib_xs slib_laby=!word 2 to -1 of $slib_ys slib_xs=!word 1 of $slib_xs slib_ys=!word 1 of $slib_ys slib_maxx=!word 1 of $slib_labx !if $slib_maxx = max slib_labx = !word 2 to -1 of $slib_labx !! we need to compute the X step slib_xs, given the values !! of the total width slib_xd, abscissa of origin slib_xo !! and knowing that slib_xs currently means a maximum value. !! slib_xd-slib_xo must be be sufficient to display ticks greater !! than the current value of slib_xs, the tick step being a multiple !! of 1, 2 or 5. slib_log=$[log10($slib_xs/($slib_xd-$slib_xo))] slib_logint=$[floor($slib_log)] slib_logmant=$[$slib_log-$slib_logint] !if $slib_logmant > $[log10(5)] slib_xs=1e$[$slib_logint+1] !else !if $slib_logmant > $[log10(2)] slib_xs=5e$slib_logint !else slib_xs=2e$slib_logint !endif !endif !else slib_maxx=$empty !endif slib_maxy=!word 1 of $slib_laby !if $slib_maxy = max slib_laby = !word 2 to -1 of $slib_laby !! we need to compute the Y step slib_ys, given the values !! of the total height slib_yd, ordinate of origin slib_yo !! and knowing that slib_ys currently means a maximum value. !! slib_yd-slib_yo must be be sufficient to display ticks greater !! than the current value of slib_ys, the tick step being a multiple !! of 1, 2 or 5. slib_log=$[log10($slib_ys/($slib_yd-$slib_yo))] slib_logint=$[floor($slib_log)] slib_logmant=$[$slib_log-$slib_logint] !if $slib_logmant > $[log10(5)] slib_ys=1e$[$slib_logint+1] !else !if $slib_logmant > $[log10(2)] slib_ys=5e$slib_logint !else slib_ys=2e$slib_logint !endif !endif !else slib_maxy=$empty !endif slib_dc=!declosing $slib_dc slib_point=!declosing $slib_point slib_bg=!declosing $slib_bg !default slib_bg=240,233,255 slib_lc=!declosing $slib_lc !default slib_lc=255,220,180 slib_dc=!declosing $slib_dc !default slib_dc=10,10,10 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! begin grid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slib_grey=128,128,128 slib_dessin = new 60*$slib_xd,60*$slib_yd\ xrange -0.5, 10*$slib_xd-0.5\ yrange -0.5, 10*$slib_yd-0.5\ fill 1,1,$slib_bg !! traits fins tous les millimetres slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 1\ parallel 0, 0, 0, 10*$slib_yd, 1, 0, 10*$slib_xd+1, $slib_lc\ parallel 0, 0, 10*$slib_xd, 0, 0, 1, 10*$slib_yd+1, $slib_lc !! traits gros tous les centimetres slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 3\ parallel 0, 0, 0, 10*$slib_yd, 10, 0, $slib_xd+1, $slib_lc\ parallel 0, 0, 10*$slib_xd, 0, 0, 10, $slib_yd+1, $slib_lc !! axe_x slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 3\ hline 0, $[10*$slib_yo], $slib_grey\ line $[10*$slib_xd-3],$[10*$slib_yo-1],$[10*$slib_xd-1],$[10*$slib_yo], $slib_grey\ line $[10*$slib_xd-3],$[10*$slib_yo+1],$[10*$slib_xd-1],$[10*$slib_yo], $slib_grey\ parallel 0,$[10*$slib_yo+1],0,$[10*$slib_yo-1], 10, 0, $slib_xd+1, $slib_grey slib_val=$[-$slib_xo*$slib_xs] slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 1 !if ($slib_grad=2 or $slib_grad=1) !for slib_x from 0 to 10*$slib_xd step 10 slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ text blue,$[$slib_x+1],$[10*$slib_yo-1],medium,$slib_val slib_val=$[$slib_val+$slib_xs] !next slib_x !if $slib_labx != $empty slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ text blue,$[$slib_x-20],$[10*$slib_yo-6],medium,$slib_labx !endif !endif !! axe_y slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 3\ vline $[10*$slib_xo],0, $slib_grey\ line $[10*$slib_xo-1],$[10*$slib_yd-3],$[10*$slib_xo],$[10*$slib_yd-1], $slib_grey\ line $[10*$slib_xo+1],$[10*$slib_yd-3],$[10*$slib_xo],$[10*$slib_yd-1], $slib_grey\ parallel $[10*$slib_xo+1],0,$[10*$slib_xo-1], 0, 0, 10, $slib_yd+1, $slib_grey slib_val=$[-$slib_yo*$slib_ys] slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 1 !if ($slib_grad=3 or $slib_grad=1) !for slib_y from 0 to 10*$slib_yd step 10 slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ text blue,$[10*$slib_xo+1],$[$slib_y-1],medium,$slib_val slib_val=$[$slib_val+$slib_ys] !next slib_y !if $slib_laby != $empty slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ text blue,$[10*$slib_xo-9],$[$slib_y-10],medium,$slib_laby !endif !endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! end grid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! slib_i=0 !for slib_xy in $slib_point !if $slib_i=0 slib_i=1 slib_x=$[10*$slib_xy/$slib_xs] !goto continue !endif !if $slib_i=1 slib_i=0 slib_y=$[10*$slib_xy/$slib_ys] !if $slib_formdot=0 slib_x1=$[10*$slib_xo+$slib_x-0.6] slib_x2=$[10*$slib_xo+$slib_x+0.6] slib_y1=$[10*$slib_yo+$slib_y-0.6] slib_y2=$[10*$slib_yo+$slib_y+0.6] slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 2\ line $slib_x1,$slib_y1,$slib_x2,$slib_y2,$slib_dc\ line $slib_x2,$slib_y1,$slib_x1,$slib_y2,$slib_dc !endif !if $slib_formdot=1 slib_x1=$[10*$slib_xo+$slib_x-1] slib_x2=$[10*$slib_xo+$slib_x+1] slib_x3=$[10*$slib_xo+$slib_x] slib_y1=$[10*$slib_yo+$slib_y] slib_y2=$[10*$slib_yo+$slib_y+1] slib_y3=$[10*$slib_yo+$slib_y-1] slib_dessin=$slib_dessin\ linewidth 2\ line $slib_x1,$slib_y1,$slib_x2,$slib_y1,$slib_dc\ line $slib_x3,$slib_y2,$slib_x3,$slib_y3,$slib_dc !endif !endif :continue !next slib_xy slib_out= $slib_dessin
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georgesk (Utilisateur)
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Re:Probleme avec imagefill Il y a 15 Années, 2 Mois Karma: 0  
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